Favorite Song
Sumber: chrisjeub.com

Chord Lagu / 5 July 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

Favorite Song

Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Favorite Song adalah track lagu terakhir yang dibawakan oleh TobyMac dalam albumnya Eye On It. Lagu yang dinyanyikan bersama dengan Jamie Grace ini sangat enak didengar oleh telinga dan tentunya juga memiliki pesan positif yakni nyanyikanlah nada-nada lagu yang Tuhan sudah taruhkan di dalam hati kita.


G = Do


G Am C Am

Verse 1:
My whole life I wondered how
This won-dering heart could turn around
       C             Am
It's o-ver now, yeah
Imma leave my selfish melodies
Wanna be in your beautiful symphony
      C              Am
Its o-ver now

   G                                Am
You sing to me and my heart comes to life
   C                         Am
Beating for You everytime
           G                            Am
And now that I hear you, oh I love the way
           C                                 Am
Your cho-rus gets stuck in my mind

                        G                                          Am
Like a lyric to my favorite song, you stick with me all day long
                              Em                           C
And when I reach the end, I wanna hear it a-gain
                        G                                         Am
Like a lyric to my favorite song, you stay with me all day long
                              Em              C
And when I reach the end, I wanna hear it again


Verse 2:
(Ladies and Gentleman, Jamie Grace)
        G                                      Am
While your remix is so surprising like raindrops when the sun is shining
     C                  Am
It's beautiful to me
                 G                                                         Am
Lord you flip my words and change the tempo and some-how you just make it
             C                    Am
simple so beautiful to sing

*back to Pre-Chorus - Chorus



G - Am - Em - C


G                          Am
  I am a man in need,    You are my remedy
Em                               C
  I love the way that you sing to me, sing to me
G                            Am
 Your soothing melody,    has got me listening
Em                              C
 I can't wait to hear you sing to me, sing to me
G                         Am
 I am a man in need,   You are my remedy
Em                              C
 I love the way that you sing to me, sing to me
G                              Am
 Your soothing melodies,    my heart is listening
Em                             C
 I can't wait to hear you sing to me, sing...


G - Am - Em - C

* back to Chorus:

Outro: (Repeat as Needed)
             G                  Am            Em  -  C
You're my favorite song, All day long
              G                 Am            Em  -  C
You're my favorite song, All day long
              G                  Am            Em  -  C
You're my favorite song, All day long


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/zQbkIjsCgqU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Baca juga :

Eye On It, Album yang Menyegarkan Dari TobyMac

Tips-Tips Menjaga dan Merawat Organ Intim Wanita

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Sumber : tabs.ultimate-guitar.com / bm
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